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Telefoon: +31 20 495 38 38
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PSI-Vransen Direct Marketing

Direct Mail: The way to Generation Y&Z!

Are you struggling to reach young people in the 18-29 age group (Generation Y&Z)? Make sure you land on their doormat! In fact, research shows that physical direct mail is an effective approach to this target audience, which grew up in a world with cell phones, laptops and the Internet.

Their attention span is short, but when you can surprise them and approach them in the right way, direct mail is the way to grab their attention and get them to take action!

Direct mail effective for younger generations

  • First, let’s look at some figures* that show why direct mail should not be missing from youth marketing.
    The younger generation is very supportive of receiving direct mail. As many as 37% of young people experience commercial mail as distinctive, compared to only 27% among those over 50.
  • Do they then take action? Absolutely! Young people are by far the most likely to indicate (in 67% of cases) that they took action after receiving and reading direct mail. Ranging from visiting a website to sharing information to buying a product.
Source: MetrixLab, generation research 2020

So what should you look out for?

Make sure you understand who they are and what they value.
  • Personalization is at the top of the list. Show that you know your target audience. Curious about the numbers and tips? Read our blog Personalization rightly has a good name
  • Choose an eye-catching form and layout (use of colors, typography and appropriate visuals)
  • Combine your direct mail with online resources by using personalized URLs, QR codes to access the appropriate digital environment, discounts and special offers.
  • Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for this target group. So make use of eco-friendly materials with which you appeal to young people’s values.
  • Use the right tone of voice. Speak the language of the target audience, challenge them and keep it short.
  • Keep them interested by continuing to surprise and innovate, such as through loyalty programs.

The conclusion is that direct mail offers many opportunities to reach the youth generation and is a valuable addition within the media mix. You can see this in practice: many brands and organizations in, for example, retail (fashion in particular!), the travel industry, personal care (perfume chains!), meal delivery and online stores (integration online and offline communication). The prerequisite for captivating this target audience and driving them to action, however, is that you be creative, get straight to the point and provide a relevant message.

📩 Inspired to reach Generation Y&Z with Direct Mail? Let’s shape your campaign together! Contact us today on 020 – 495 38 38 and discover the possibilities. 💬 Of schedule an appointment with one of our colleagues right away using the button below.